Proper Fraction: is one whose numerator is less than denominator.
eg - 3/4, 17/19
Improper fraction: a fraction whose numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator .
eg - 17/12, 18/5
eg - 17/12, 18/5
Complex fraction: is one in which the numerator or denominator or both are fractions.
eg - 5'7/8
eg - 5'7/8
Q. Simplify :
7 3 - 2
---------- ÷ ---- 5/7
5-8/3 3- 3/2
4- 3/2
Q2. One -quarter of one seventh of a land is sold for Rs 30,000. What is the value of an eight thirty - fifths of land?
Ans- one quarter of one seventh = 1/4 * 1/7= 1/28
8/35 of the land will cost 30,000*28*8/35 = Rs 1,92,000.
Recurring Decimals: a decimal in which a figure or set of figures is repeated continually .
eg - 1/3 = 0.333------
Q1. 9.5* 0.085/0.0017 * 0.19
(Ans- 0.01)
Q2. (0.6bar + 0.7bar +0.8bar + 0.3bar) * 9000 = 24,000