The hard labour is basic require ment to score high in English test paper. There are no Short-Cuts or Tricks for learning English Lan guage. You should adopt the follow ing preliminary plan of study for gaining command over this compo nent of Written Examination:
(a) Analyse minutely and care fully the question papers of previ ous SSC TAX ASSISTANT (INCOME TAX & CENTRAL EXCISE) Exams and such Exams in which objective type questions are asked from Gen eral English.
(b) Observe and note down the topics from which questions are asked frequently in different com petitive examinations.
(c) Procure appropriate study material. practice work books and standard text books which explain these topics in such a manner that even a beginner can understand the subject-matter conveniently.
(d) Do exercises from the books and study materials regularly to achieve a level of confidence.
(e) Do practise with standard Model Practice Sets meant especially for the said examination in exami nation like environment strictly adhering the prescribed time.
(g) Make a habit of taking such tests as frequently as you can. Re member "Practice makes a man per fect in all respects".
(h) Make a graph of your score and observe the trend of the graph. If it is going upward, your progress is smooth. if it is horizontal, your progress is not. smooth. You must continue practising and improving your level of performance. Anyone who practises regularly is bound to increase his/her score. Even an average student can en hance considerably his score level if he/she practices regularly with complete determination and dedica tion.
(I) Evaluate answersheet on your own but honestly.
Since the key to success in the English language paper of anyone day objective type competitive exam is a good grasp over English Gram mar (Rules and Structures) and English Composition, you have to plan your study in context of the topics under English Grammar and Composition. The following ~ gested books may be quite helpful for the candidates:
1. Practical English Usage by Michael Schwan
2. A Practical English Gram mar by AJ Thomson and AV Marti net
3. A Mirror of Common Errors (Kiran Prakashan)
4. A Glossary of Vocabulary, Synonyms &: Antonyms (Klran Prakash an)
5. A Glossary of Apposite ~ords (Kiran Prakash an)
The candidates are advised to do the following tasks systematical ly:
(i) Solve the Model Practice Sets given in the Book and monthly mag azine PRATIYOGITA KIRAN Regu larly.
(ii) Make it a part and parcel of your regular task to improve your vocabularly. Build upyourVocabu lary everyday. Everyday learn some new words.
(iii) Keep a good dictionary such as Oxford Advanced Learners' Dic tionary or Collins Cobuild Dictio nary and a pocket dictionary, always on your study table for ready-refer ence.
(iv) SubSCribe a newspaper and a news magazine. Read them Regu larly and if you come across a diffi cult word, makeit a point to note it down and analyse its meaning and usage.
If you work on the above sug gested guidelines you will certainly perform better in the English test paper.
General English:
General English:
Language is a medium through which a person makes another per son or other persons understand the idea he/she likes to convey. Gram matical rules are formulated to overcome the differences between the idea one expresses and idea one grasps. If grammatical rules were not there, then he chances of mis under~tanding would be much high er. So, grammatical rules evolved as a standard rules which are followed at the time of expressing some ideas or understanding some ideas ex pressed by others. But one thing must be made clear that the gram matical rules are not something rig id, nor they are a must in conversa tion or informal language. In case of a general student, to develop a command over all gram matical rules is not a easy nut to crack. Specially to an candidate who has completed his graduation grammatical rules are long forgot ten. To reshuffle them is, of course, a time consuming affair. One who is in touch with his/her younger brothers or sisters and helping them in English grammar may find the task easier. But for a thorough prep aration, a candidate may resort to "A Mirror of Common Errors by AK. Singh" published from Kiran Prakashan. That must be followed by a continuous practice using the practice sets. If a candidate likes to follow the commonly known grammars one must be choosy. Generally a gram mar contains a host of information. Classification, elaboration and oth er theoretical aspects are given much importance and a part of which may be proved fruitful to a candidate. If you follow the question pa pers of recently held exams, you can notice that, to give a good account to oneself, a candidate need not waste his time in studying and prac tising each and every grammatical rule. You should start preparation for English Test Paper at the earli est following the guidelines given below